London vs. Havana
Text: Kay Krijnen
London or Havana?
'Over the past five years I’ve veered towards one, then towards the other, then back again, but I can’t choose. Havana is like London, except really, really compact. For example, Fábrica de Arte Cubano, a venue for concerts and exhibitions. That’s everything London has to offer, all packed into one venue. And besides, the jazz festival is fantastic, the salsa festival is fantastic, the film festival is fantastic... What’s more, the sea is always nearby and the vegetables are organic. But in Havana you’ve got hurricanes, and in London you don’t.'
London: chaotic or energetic?
'Both! In the summer London is energetic, and in the winter I ask myself: How can I escape?' (Laughs)

A foreign tour or a club gig in London?
'Difficult question! But I’ll go for London, because the public there knows us.'
Live improvisation or home composition?
'If I wanted to come across as really cool, I’d say that I improvise everything freestyle. But I’m actually a real nerd. I like sitting at the piano in my pajamas, writing and composing, with a coffee in one hand. I like to write and arrange music, and then explain it to the band. I don’t sing, unless of course I’ve been drinking, ha ha. By the way, I also enjoy being the band leader!'
Slow train or fast train?
'Fast. No question about it – I’d take a rocket if I could.'