Saskia Venegas Aernouts wordt Nieuwe Maker bij Music Meeting
Composer, violinist and music theater maker Saskia Venegas Aernouts will start a two-year development program with festival organizer Music Meeting on February 1. Over the next two years she will work intensively on her artistic and business development, under the wings of the festival. In addition to the necessary lessons, study, coaching and working visits, she will also make two new productions during this period. She presents this and other new work at Music Meeting. The development program, called Nieuwe Makers, is made possibly by the Fonds Podiumkunsten.
Saskia Venegas Aernouts is an artist with a Flemish and Spanish background, who lives and works in the Netherlands. She started her career as a violinist in contemporary and classical music. A few years ago she chose a new path: as a composer. Her name is therefore relatively new in this field. Through the Nieuwe Makerstraject she can take the next steps to further grow as a maker and shape and expand her career professionally.
Some of the coaches who will guide her during this journey are renowned violinist and founder of the legendary American Kronos Quartet David Harrington, acclaimed vocalist, composer, multi-instrumentalist and dancer, Guggenheim Fellow and Paul Simon Music Fellows Guest Jen Shyu, and renowned composer and artistic director of music organization National Sawdust in New York, Paola Prestini.
The Rainbow Serpent
The upcoming edition of Music Meeting Festival (May 18-20) will already feature a new work by Saskia: The Rainbow Serpent, a composition that ties in with the Australian program line that will be presented at the festival this year. The piece will be performed on May 20 in Lindenberg. Early Bird day tickets and passe-partouts can be purchased via This composition was made possible by the regeling Fonds Podiumkunsten compositieopdracht.
Pictures: Andreas Terlaak